Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Create a vintage double exposure in Elements

Give your photos a beautiful twist with this classic photographic technique

Create a vintage double exposure in Elements

1. Open photos and copy

Create a vintage double exposure in Elements

Open both your images – we’ve gone for a model and some flowers – and copy the image you want to shine through, before pasting onto the background. For us, that’s pasting the flowers over the model! Click the eye icon on the top layer.

2. Model adjustment layer

Create a vintage double exposure in Elements

Select the Background layer. Now head to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Gradient Map and then click OK. After that, go back to apply Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Levels, setting the values: 30 1.50, 190 and also the Output levels: 0, 255. Hit OK to finish.

3. Flowers adjustment layer

Create a vintage double exposure in Elements

After adjusting the photo of the model (the Background), let’s edit the top layer – our flowers layer, but you can choose any kind of image. Click the eye icon again on the top layer to reveal it again. Now head over to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Gradient Map and then click OK apply.

4. Merge the two photos

Create a vintage double exposure in Elements

Now we bring our photos together. In the Layers panel, click on the blend mode drop-down. Change it from Normal to Overlay. Now move over to Opacity and set that to 90%. Click OK and the photos merge.

5. Resize the flowers

Create a vintage double exposure in Elements

Hold down the Shift key and then drag the corner handles to resize the Flowers layer. Shrink it so that the flowers fit into the subject.

6. Merge Visible layers

Create a vintage double exposure in Elements

Now we’ll properly merge them. Holding down Shift again, select the Background layer and the top-most layer of Adjustment (Gradient Map). Now select Layers>Merge Visible Layers. Your double exposure photograph is now ready.


Create an amazing Ad in Photoshop

This tutorial is just an exercise I did with my friend Cameron trying to create a Nike ad, it's not commercial, it's just because we love some of their ads and we'd love to be able to design one, maybe someday. So in this tutorial we will use some images and play with Blend Modes and Color Adjustments to create a really cool Nike Ad in Photoshop.

Step 1

Open Photoshop and create a new document. I used 1920x1200. After that select the background layer and go to Layer>Layer Style>Grandient Overlay. Use #150b06 and # 321c0f for the gradient colors, Radial for Style and Normal for Blend Mode.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Step 2

Create a new layer and go to Filter>Render>Clouds. Make sure that the colors were black and white for the foreground an background.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Step 3

Change the Blend Mode of the Clouds layer to Color Dodge.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Step 4

Select the Eraser Tool (E). Use a regular brush. Change the Hardness to 0% and use a big size. Now erase some areas, just leave the center like the image bellow.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Step 5

Place the logo and aling it in the center of the document. Go to Layer>Layer Styles>Outer Glow. Use #fffde2 for the color, Color Dodge for the Blend Mode, 80% opacity, 18% for the Spread and 18 pixels for the Size. That will create a nice glowing logo.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Step 6

This tip was from my friend Cameron, he sent me this image and told me that it would be a nice way to create some effects like the Hejz work. You can download the image here.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Step 7

Cut an area of the image and paste it in your document. Rotate and resize it to fit with the symbol. After that change the Blend Mode to Screen.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Step 8

Now go to Image>Adjustments>Levels. Increase the black and the a bit of the white of the image. That's necessary to match the colors of the image with the backgournd.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Step 9

Go to Edit>Transform>Scale, reduce the size of the streaks. Then go to Edit>Transform>Warp. Move the grid to make the streaks follow the symbol.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Step 10

Go to Image>Adjustments>Hue and Saturation. Increase the Saturation and the Hue. Reduce the Lightness.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Step 11

Duplicate the sparks layer. Go to Edit>Transform>Flip Vertical. Then resize it and adjust the position like the image below.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Step 12

Copy another art of the original Photo and paste it in your document. Repeat the steps 8, 9, and 10.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Step 13

Repeat again the Steps 8,9, and 10 to create a tail to the symbol, like the image below.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Step 14

Now lets create some stars, I have explained this in other tutorials so I won't spent too much time again. Basically just create a new layer and fill it with black. Make sure you have black and white for the background and foreground colors. Then go to Filter>Noise>Add Noise. Use Gaussian for, 15% Amout, and Monochromatic. Then change the layer's Blend Mode to Screen and go to Image>Adjustments>Levels. Increase the black and white levels untill you get nice stars. Then just repeat the same steps again in this same layer.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Step 15

Here it's just to illustrate the idea I had of this golf player that hit the ball and the ball was the commet thing. So I used a photo from, you can buy it here.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Step 16

Place the golfer in your image and align it at the botton of the page. Also select the Brush Tool, use #d88c4d for the color and with a big brush, very soft create a light behind the player. Use 25% Opacity.
Create an amazing ad in Photoshop


Now just add some texts and other small effects like the glow behind the golf club. This sort of exercise is really cool because we can learn a lot from how to create some effects or famous brand styles such as Nike, Apple, Adidas, and others. These companies have their own style so you can play with that in order to learn how to reproduce that in your own design.

Create an amazing ad in Photoshop

Using Horizontal Type Mask Tool in Photoshop CS6

Using Horizontal Type Mask Tool in Photoshop Cs6. In this Photoshop tutorial, you are going to learn how to use the Horizontal Type Mask Tool. This tutorial mainly focuses on the very basic application of the tool and does not share an account of what creative outcomes the tool can confer. The tutorial has been designed to be simple and comprehensive for all of our readers.

1. Open whatever image you would like to work on in Adobe Photoshop. This is the image we will be using in this tutorial:


2. Select the Horizontal Type Mask Tool from the Tools panel

3. Set the font and font size modify other default settings to make the tool applicable and suitable for what you are working on.

4. Click where you want to add the text.

5. When you have inputted the text, press CTRL + Enter
Your text will be converted into a selection.

6. Press Ctrl + C to copy the selected area and then press Ctrl + V to paste it. A new layer containing the selected text will be created.

But since the text blends in with background layer, it will not be seen.

7. Double click the new layer to open Layer Style and then make the following changes:
Your text will now be visible.

That’s it, babe.
Final Result:


Thursday, 20 November 2014

70 Most Powerful Photos About Human Experience Ever Taken

Human has a long relationship with his emotions. Expressing an emotion is not so difficult, but perfectly capturing it in camera is far more difficult than it looks. This might be one of the reasons why ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’.
70 Most Powerful Photos About Human Experience Ever Taken

In this collection, we’ve listed some of the most ironic photos that perfectly capture the human emotion related to the love, innocence, despair, loss, and undying perseverance within all of us.

“when a man is prey to his emotions, he is not his own master, but lies at the mercy of fortune.” – Spinoza.

Most Powerful Human Emotion Photos Ever Taken

#01. A firefighter gives water to a koala during the devastating Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, Australia, in 2009
A firefighter gives water to a koala
Image credit:
#02. Starving child in Uganda holding hands with a missionary.
Starving child in Uganda holding hands with a missionary.
Image credit: Mike Wells
#03. Little boy playing the flute, with an attentive cat.
Powerful photos - Little boy playing the flute, with an attentive cat.
Image credit: Vladimir Zotov
#04. A Rwandan boy left scarred after being liberated from a death camp.
A Rwandan boy left scarred after being liberated from a death camp.
Image credit: James Nachtwey
#05. Dr. Religa monitors his patient’s vitals after 23-hour-long (successful) heart transplant. His assistant is sleeping in the corner. [1987]
Dr. Religa monitors his patient's vitals after a 23 hour long heart transplant surgery.
Image credit: J. Steinfeld
The patient not only survived the surgery, but outlived his doctor.
The patient not only survived the surgery, but outlived his doctor.
Image credit: Unknown
#06. Man Falling from the World Trade Center on 9/11. ‘The Falling Man.’
Man Falling from the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Image credit: Richard Drew /AP
#07. A Buddhist monk shares his meal with a tiger at the Kanchanaburi ‘Tiger Temple’ in Thailand.
Monk and Tiger sharing their meal
Image credit: Wojtek Kalka
#08. Diego Frazão Torquato, 12 year old Brazilian playing the violin at his teacher’s funeral. The teacher had helped him escape poverty and violence through music.
Brazilian boy playing the violin at his teacher’s funeral
Image credit: Unknown
#09. 17 year old Jan Rose Kasmir offers a flower to soldiers during the Pentagon anti-war protest in 1967.
17 year old Jan Rose Kasmir offers a flower to soldiers during the Pentagon anti-war protest in 1967.
Image credit: Marc Riboud
#10. A Mursi tribe woman discovers Vogue magazine, Ethiopia.
A Mursi tribe woman discovers Vogue magazine, Ethiopia
Image credit: Eric Lafforgue
#11. Groom crying tears of joy after seeing his bride for the first time.
Groom crying tears of joy after seeing his bride for the first time.
Image credit: Jeff Bailey
#12. 3 weeks old infant with albinism snuggles up to his cousin for a snooze.
3 weeks old infant with albinism snuggles up to his cousin for a snooze.
Image credit: Patricia Willocq
#13. A Brazilian protester stands before gunfire during protests against corruption and police brutality.
A Brazilian protester stands before gunfire during protests against corruption and police brutality.
Image credit:
#14. A man was playing bamboo music in Tenganan Village, Bali (2010) to entertain a disabled child which is not his son.
A man was playing bamboo music in Tenganan Village, Bali (2010)
Image credit: Ario Wibisono
#15. Candy Cigarette
Powerful photos - Candy Cigarette
Image credit: Sally Mann
#16. A bus of caring people save a woman who tried to commit suicide in China.
A bus of caring people save a woman who tried to commit suicide in China.
Image credit:
#17. Thania Sayne leans on the headstone of her husband the day before their wedding anniversary on 16 October 2013.
Thania Sayne leans on the headstone of her husband the day before their wedding anniversary on 16 October 2013.
Image credit:
#18. The first mother in space. Anna Fisher, astronaut, with stars in her eyes on the cover of Life magazine in 1985.
The first mother in space.
Image credit: Life Magazine (1985)
#19. A journalist dashes across a bridge between to rescue a baby during Civil War in 1936.
A journalist dashes across a bridge between to rescue a baby during Civil War in 1936.
Image credit: Horace Abrahams
#20. A woman sits amidst the wreckage caused by a massive earthquake and ensuing tsunami, in Natori, northern Japan, in March 2011
Earthquake and ensuing tsunami, in Natori, northern Japan
Image credit: Asahi Shimbun, Toshiyuki Tsunenari /AP
#21. Old man kissing his wife.
Old man kissing his wife.
Image credit: Unknown
#22. The Little Parisian (1952).
The Little Parisian (1952)
Image credit: Willy Ronis
#23. Caroline Joan Peixoto, City Arts, photographed classical ballet students at rehearsal in Rwanda’s only classical ballet school.
Classical ballet students at rehearsal in Rwanda's only classical ballet school.
Image credit: Caroline Joan Peixoto
#24. How to be happy? put a rabbit on your head!
How to be happy? put a rabbit on your head!
Image credit: Unknown
#25. A North Korean waves at his South Korean brother after inter-Korean temporary family reunions.
A North Korean waves at his South Korean brother after inter-Korean temporary family reunions.
Image credit:
#26. A Boy Carrying His Dog Through Filipino Flood Waters
A Boy Carrying His Dog Through Filipino Flood Waters
Image credit:
#27. Captain Donald Spindler pulls 6 year-old Aaliyah Frazier from a fire in Indiana.
Captain Donald Spindler pulls 6 year-old Aaliyah Frazier from a fire in Indiana
Image credit: Evansville Courier & Press
#28. Mother holding a child.
Mother holding a child.
Image credit: Kristen DeYoung
#29. Kimono Girl.
Kimono Girl
Image credit: Itsuo Inouye
#30. A curious Afghan girl holds the hand of an American soldier.
A curious Afghan girl holds the hand of an American soldier.
Image credit:
#31. Man working in a coal mine.
Man working in a coal mine.
Image credit: Daniel Becerril
#32. Indian woman laughing.
Indian woman laughing
Image credit: Unknown
#33. A man protests in Tiananmen Square, Beijing [1989]
Powerful photos - A man protests in Tiananmen Square, Beijing [1989]
Image credit: Stuart Franklin
#34. Wife of a fallen Marine, sleeps by his casket the night before his burial.
Wife of a fallen Marine, sleeps by his casket the night before his burial
Image credit: Todd Heisler
#35. 100,000 monks in prayer for a better world.
100,000 monks in prayer for a better world
Image credit: Luke Duggleby
#36. Jeneil Williams for Vogue Germany.
Powerful photos - Jeneil Williams for Vogue Germany
Image credit: Julia Noni
#37. The child of a KKK member touches his reflection in an African American police officer’s riot shield during a demonstration. [1992]
The child of a KKK member touches his reflection
Image credit: Todd Robertson
#38. Protester plays piano over the sounds of chaos, with riot police in the backdrop.
Protester plays piano over the sounds of chaos, with riot police in the backdrop.
Image credit: The DO Art Foundation
#39. A Russian soldier playing an abandoned piano in Chechnya in 1994.
Powerful photos - A Russian soldier playing an abandoned piano in Chechnya in 1994
Image credit:
#40. Five-year-old gypsy boy on New Year’s Eve 2006 in the gypsy community of St. Jacques, Perpignan, Southern France. It is common for little boys to smoke in St. Jacques.
Five-year-old gypsy boy on New Year’s Eve 2006
Image credit: Jesco Denzel
#41. Bruno Morandi captures a tribal Chhetri woman in Nepal. [2009]
Bruno Morandi captures a tribal Chhetri woman in Nepal. [2009]
Image credit: Bruno Morandi
#42. A boy with green eyes from Afghanistan.
A boy with green eyes from Afghanistan.
Image credit: Steve McCurry
#43. An Indian man in the festival of Holi (Festival of colors).
An Indian man in the festival of Holi (Festival of colors).
Image credit: Steve McCurry
#44. Supporters celebrate as Minnesota legalizes gay marriage.
Supporters celebrate as Minnesota legalizes gay marriage
Image credit: Denver Post
#45. Violinist, Nancy Dinovo, cries while playing during a service at Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Vancouver for the September 11 victims.
Violinist, Nancy Dinovo, cries while playing.
Image credit: Christopher J. Morris
#46. A child of the Erbore tribe, Ethiopia.
A child of the Erbore tribe, Ethiopia
Image credit: Eric Lafforgue
#47. ‘Against All Prejudices’ – Punk rocker and kid at a Gay Pride parade.
Punk rocker and kid at a Gay Pride parade
Image credit:
#48. Clara Gantt is reunited with her husband’s body after more than 60 years. Sergeant Joseph Grantt went missing during the Korean war.
Clara Gantt is reunited with her husband's body after more than 60 years.
Image credit: Andrew Renneisen
#49. A boy crosses a London street in the 1960s with a toy double decker.
A boy crosses a London street in the 1960s with a toy double decker.
Image credit: Notman Photographics Archives
#50. Russian special troops soldier with a butterfly on his fingers.
Russian special troops soldier with a butterfly on his fingers.
Image credit: Unknown
#51. Lt. Colonel Robert L. Stirm is reunited with his family after being taken prisoner during the Vietnam war.
Lt. Colonel Robert L. Stirm is reunited with his family after being taken prisoner during the Vietnam war.
Image credit: Unknown
#52. Vintage swing dancers!
Vintage swing dancers!
Image credit: Unknown
#53. Children’s smile in Life behind polar circle.
Children's smile in Life behind polar circle
Image credit: Aleksandr Romanov
#54. A sad old man.
A sad old man.
Image credit: Phil Marion
#55. Papua New Guinea woman during a Singsing celebration in Mount Hagen
Papua New Guinea woman during a Singsing celebration in Mount Hagen
Image credit: Eric Lafforgue
#56. A young girl saying goodbye through a train window at Hefei, Anhui Province.
A young girl saying goodbye through a train window at Hefei, Anhui Province.
Image credit:
#57. Young man just found out his brother was killed.
Powerful photos - Young man just found out his brother was killed
Image credit: Nhat V. Meyer
#58. The tattoo of wounded soldier Kyle Hockenberry becomes truth.
The tattoo of wounded soldier Kyle Hockenberry becomes truth
Image credit: Laura Rauch
#59. Agim Shala is passed through a barbed wire fence to his grandparents at a camp for refugees of the Kosovo War.
Agim Shala is passed through a barbed wire fence to his grandparents at a camp for refugees of the Kosovo War
Image credit: Carol Guzy
#60. Skater girls in Tehran.
Skater girls in Tehran.
Image credit: Humans Of Tehran
#61. A child with members of the Muslim community attending midday prayers at Strasbourg Grand Mosque in France on the first day of Ramadan, 2013
A child with members of the Muslim community attending midday prayers
Image credit: Vincent Kessler
#62. A Russian war veteran kneels beside the tank he spent the war in, now a monument.
A Russian war veteran kneels beside the tank he spent the war in, now a monument.
Image credit:
#63. ‘Wait For Me Daddy,’ by Claude P. Dettloff in New Westminster, Canada, October 1, 1940
'Wait For Me Daddy,' by Claude P. Dettloff
Image credit: Claud Detloff
#64. Demonstration of condom usage at a public market in Jayapura, capital of Papua, 2009.
Demonstration of condom usage at a public market in Jayapura, capital of Papua, 2009
Image credit: Adri Tambunan
#65. Flower power.
Flower power
Image credit: Bernie Boston
#66. Russian soldiers preparing for the Battle of Kursk, July 1943.
Powerful photos - Russian soldiers preparing for the Battle of Kursk, July 1943
Image credit: Shirak Karapetyan-Milshtein
#67. An Afghan man offers tea to soldiers.
Powerful photos - An Afghan man offers tea to soldiers
Image credit: Rafiq Maqbool / AP
#68. Terri Gurrola is reunited with her daughter after serving in Iraq for 7 months.
Terri Gurrola is reunited with her daughter after serving in Iraq for 7 months
Image credit: Louie Favorite
#69. Sergeant Frank Praytor looks after a two-week old kitten during the height of the Korean War.
Sergeant Frank Praytor looks after a two-week old kitten during the height of the Korean War.
Image credit: Unknown
#70. An Irish teenager yells at British soldiers during unrest in Northern Ireland.
An Irish teenager yells at British soldiers during unrest in Northern Ireland
Image credit: Unknown
While compiling this, it’s always a possibility that we missed some other powerful human emotion photos. Feel free to share it with us.