Tuesday 18 November 2014

Create “Dark Power Unleashed” Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop

In this tutorial, I will show you the processes of creating this “Dark Power Unleashed” Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop. We will start from a simple city image, and combine it with cloud, model and several other objects to form this surreal effect. Have a try! This is an intermediate level tutorial and some steps can be tricky.
Note: The Photoshop tutorial is done in CS6 – therefore some screenshot may have slighting different layout as in the earlier version. Some brushes are exclusive to Photoshop CS6.
Here is a preview of the final effect I have for this tutorial: (click to enlarge)
dark power unleashed art flatten 550x243 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop

Note: If you have difficulty with Step 4, please check out this video tutorial below:
OK Let’s get started!
To complete this tutorial, you will need the following stocks:
Debris Brush

Step 1

Create a new document sized 1400px * 620px with black background. Load the city image into Photoshop and use the Rectangular Marquee tool to select the following city part of the image:
1 sele 550x361 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Copy and paste the selection over to our document, re-size and position it as shown below:
1 resize 550x286 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Use a soft eraser to fade the top of this city layer as shown below:
1 fade 550x241 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Load the cloud image into Photoshop and select the top area containing the cloud, copy and paste it over to our document, re-size and position it as shown below:
1 cloud 550x275 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
We want to get rid of the street lamp. Use the Clone Stamp Tool with the following settings:
1 clone stamp Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
1 clone stamp settings 550x24 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Hold down your Alt key and define a cloudy area:
1 define 550x149 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Then use the brush to paint over the street lamp to remove it from our image:
1 remove street lamp 550x161 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Use a soft eraser to fade the cloud edges as shown below:
1 erase cloud 550x215 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Add the following adjustment layers on top of all previous layers:
Black and White
1 bw Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Layer mask on this black and white layer:
1 bw mask 550x244 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
1 lvs Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
1 curves Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
And here is the effect so far:
1 effect 550x230 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop

Step 2

Load the model image into Photoshop and select the model body:
2 sel Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Copy and paste the selection to our document, re-size and position it int the centre:
2 paste 550x427 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Use a soft eraser to remove the bottom area of the model as shown below:
2 erase 550x321 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Add the following adjustment layers as clipping masks to this model layer:
Black and white
2 bw Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
2 lvs Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Layer mask on the levels adjustment layer:
2 lvs mask 550x394 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
We will add some hair for the image. To do this, use the Pen Tool draw a path as shown below:
2 pen path 550x390 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Use a 3px black brush:
2 brush hair 550x35 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
and stroke this path as shown below:
2 stroke set 550x508 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
2 stroke Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
and you will have the following effect:
2 stroke effect Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
We will repeat this above process to add more hair, make sure you adjust the colour and size of the hair for best effect:
2 keep stroking 550x383 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
and here is the overall effect so far:
2 effect 550x227 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop

Step 3

We will add some particles around canvas. Load the rock image into Photoshop and create a new layer on top of its background layer:
3 new layer Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Use the debris brush you download:
3 debris brush Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
And paint some debris on the new layer:
3 paint 550x298 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Ctrl+Left-click on the layer thumbnail to select this layer:
3 sel layer 550x277 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Go back to the background layer while maintaining the selection:
3 sel background Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Copy and paste the selection over to our document, re-size and scatter the debris around model:
3 paste 550x366 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Also add some more debris on the left and right side of the image:
3 paste 2 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
3 paste 3 347x700 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
We can also add some subtle cloud effect down the bottom of the canvas with a cloud brush or the cloud filter:
3 cloud 550x236 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop

Step 4

We will add the lightning effect to our image in this step. Load the lightning image into Photoshop and select the following portion with a 30px feather Lasso Tool:
4 sel 550x420 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Copy and paste the selection to our document and re-size and rotate it as shown below:
4 paste 550x426 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Apply the following black and white filter to it:
4 bw Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Then apply the levels adjustment to it:
4 lvs 550x494 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Set the layer blending mode to this layer to “Screen”:
4 screen 550x422 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
And here is the effect you will have:
4 effect 550x361 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Repeat the above step and add more lightning effect to the image:
4 effect 2 550x393 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop

Step 5

We will add this crow image into the mix in this step. Load the image into Photoshop and select it:
5 sel 550x301 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Copy and paste it over to our document and set its layer blending mode to “Multiply”:
5 mul 550x430 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Re-size and position this layer to the location shown below:
5 paste 550x318 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Add a few more crows to the image as shown below:
5 more crows 550x322 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
We can also utilise the black lines from the crow image and attach them to the model to form this effect as shown below:
5 lines 550x419 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop

Step 6

We’re almost done! For final touches, we will flatten the image and duplicate the background layer, apply the following “Accented Edges” filter to this duplicated layer:
6 accent 550x421 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Set the layer blending mode of this duplicated layer to “Pin Light”:
6 pin light 550x423 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
And you will see the edges is now highlighted:
6 highlights 550x213 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
Add the following Selective Color adjustment layer on top to add some colours to the image:
6 sel cyans Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
6 sel whites Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
6 sel neu Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
6 sel blacks Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
and here is my final effect: (click to enlarge)
dark power unleashed art flatten 550x243 Create Dark Power Unleashed Surreal Digital Art in Photoshop
That’s it for this tutorial! Hope you enjoy going through it and find it useful. Drop me a comment below if you have any question.
Reference: http://www.psdvault.com/photo-effect/create-dark-power-unleashed-surreal-digital-art-photoshop/

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