Saturday 8 November 2014

Create a 3D, Fruit-Textured, Text Effect

Final product image

3D text is very popular in the advertising industry. 3D text effects are often used in print or television campaigns, and are popular because they literally stand out on the page or screen. Creating a realistic 3D text effect can be quite challenging to create, and often make use of several applications. In this tutorial, we will use a combination of Modo, Photoshop, and Illustrator to create a fruit textured text effect that resembles an orange. Let's get started!

The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial. Please download them before you begin. If they are not available, or if you don't want pay for them, you may need to find alternatives.
Open picture: photodune-536588-orange-leafs-m.jpg.
  • In Paths panel, create new path [1].
  • Change its name to CP.
  • Activate Pen Tool and draw path around center leaf.

  • Create selection from path [1].
  • Press J to create new layer.

  • Turn off visibility of Background and save image as PNG file.
  • From PNG options choose like on the screen below.

Modo can read EPS files but only saved as Illustrator 8 or 3 file. So to be able to import shapes to 3D application, open Illustrator and do the following:
  • Create new A4 document.
  • Activate Text Tool (T) [1] and type Fresh Orange.
  • Change V/A settings to -120 to move Fresh word to a new position.

  • Press Command/Ctrl-Shift-O to create outlines from text.
  • Select [1] Fresh word and move it down like on screen grab.

Save file as Illustrator 3 Fresh Orange.eps file.

Now open Modo and import EPS file that you created.
  • Select Curves item in Item List.
  • Go to View > Dimensions Tool (This way Modo will display dimensions of the selected object)
  • Press R to activate Scale Tool [1].
  • Scale shape to 32.5 cm on X and 16.6 cm on Y. (To scale both axis the same time press little circle in right corner in tool handles.)
  • Go to View > Dimensions Tool to turn off dimensions.

  • Press N to create new Mesh Item.
  • Change its name to: Fresh Orange 2D. [1]
  • Activate Cylinder Tool [2].
  • Set Sides to 24.
  • Set Segments to 1.
  • Place circle like on screen below and press Space Bar to drop the tool.

  • Press 7 on keyboard to see geometry in Wireframe mode.
  • In Polygon Mode select circle.
  • Press B to activate Bevel Tool [1] and inset it using red handle.

  • Press 4 on keyboard to see geometry in Shaded mode.
  • Delete middle circle.

Now you will create rest of the letters. Using Modo's Pen Tool is fast and effective. You will have great topology straight away and your text will look perfect after extrusion.
  • Active Pen Tool in basic tools palette.
  • Make sure that Make Quads option is turn on in Tool properties.
  • Place vertices like on the screen. (Make sure that you place them in right order 1, 2, 3, 4 this way Modo will know where to place quads.)

While the tool is active you can reposition each vertex to your needs. You don't have to make dense geometry, just follow shape of the letters. Press Space Bar to drop the tool.

Once you drop the Pen Tool there is no way to draw vertices on bottom side of the letter. You can use different tool to start adding geometry there.
  • Press 2 to go to Edge Mode.
  • Select last edge on the bottom and press (Z) to activate Edge Extend Tool.
  • Pull down edge using red arrow of the Tool gizmo [1].
  • Then press Shift key and click on the screen to reactivate tool [2].
  • You can scale edge by selecting square end of green arrow.
  • Do it one more time [3].
  • Press Space Bar to drop the tool.

Finish letter "r".
  • Activate Pen Tool again
  • Draw Vertices in 1, 2, 3, 4 order.
  • Add points until you reach previously created geometry.
  • Press Space Bar to drop the tool.

Now you will stitch both parts of geometry.
  • In Edge Mode (2) select edges that are opposite to each other.
  • In Modo tools go to Duplicate > Bridge and press on the screen.
  • Set Segments to 2.
  • Press Space Bar to drop the tool.

To speed up modeling you can copy existing polygons to new positions.
  • In Polygon Mode (3) double click on letter O.
  • Press Command/Ctrl-C to copy polys and press Command/Ctrl-V to paste them.
  • Activate Move Tool (W) and move geometry over the letter a.

Now adjust size to match background shape.
  • Activate Scale Tool (R).
  • Scale polygons accordingly.

Now turn circle into letter "a".
  • Select polygons and delete them.
  • Activate Element Move Tool (T). (This tool is special, so it will select Vertices, Edges or Polygons that will be under cursor and you will be able to move them.)

Now draw rest of the letter "a". Use Pen Tool for that. This time draw in 3D viewport set to Wireframe mode.

Now you need to stitch two pieces of geometry together.
  • Select vertices numbered 1 with Lasso Selection. (To activate it just press Right Mouse Button and draw on the screen over the desired Vertices.)
  • In Tools go to Vertex > Join Averaged.
  • Repeat those steps for Vertices 2, 3, and 4.

Now draw over letter "n".
  • Active Pen Tool in basic tools palette.
  • Make sure that Make Quads option is turn on in Tool properties.
  • Place vertices like on the screen.
  • Place Vertices in 1, 2, 3, 4 order and move up with them over the Y axis.

  • Select vertices numbered 1 with Lasso Selection. (To activate it just press Right Mouse Button and draw on the screen over the desired Vertices.)
  • In Tools go to Vertex > Join Averaged.
  • Repeat those steps for Vertices numbered 2.

Copy polygons of letter "a" and place them over the "g" letter.

  • Select only 3 polygons at the base of letter a.
  • Press (Command/Ctrl-C) than (Command/Ctrl-V) to disconnect them from rest of the letter.
  • Activate Move Tool (w) and move them as on the screen.
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) to adjust its size.
  • Active Pen Tool and draw quads between end and base shape of the letter.

Now cleanup and stitch parts of geometry. Do the following:
  • Select vertices numbered 1 with Lasso Selection.
  • In Tools go to Vertex > Join Averaged.
  • Repeat those steps for Vertices 2, 3, and 4.
  • Now select vertices on the right side of letter "g".
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and set scale on X axis to 0.

Straighten all vertices on vertical parts of the letters like in previous step.

Do the same for letter "a".

Now refine shape of letter "O".
  • In Edge Mode (2) select outer ring (Double Click on edges to select connected.)
  • Scale it to match background.
  • Do the same for the inner ring.

Create letter "e".
  • Active Pen Tool in basic tools palette.
  • Make sure that Make Quads option is turn on in Tool properties.
  • Place vertices like on the screen. (Start with 1, 2, 3, 4 Vertices)

  • With Lasso Selection select Vertices marked 1.
  • In Tools go to Vertex > Join Averaged.
  • Repeat those steps for Vertices marked 2.

Copy letter "e" polygons to another location like on the screen.

Now copy letter "n" polygons to another location like on the screen.

Create letter H from copied letter "n".
  • Select only 4 polygons at the base of letter a.
  • Press (Command/Ctrl-C) than (Command/Ctrl-V) to disconnect them from rest of the letter.
  • Activate Move Tool (w) and move them as on the screen.

Connect polygon islands.
  • Select edges that are facing to each other.
  • Activate Bridge Tool.
  • Make sure that Segments is set to 2.

Now straighten edge on the top part of the "h" letter.
  • Select 2 vertices and Activate Scale Tool (R).
  • Then set Y scale to: 0.

Refine shape of letter "h"
  • Activate Element Move Tool (T) and move Vertices as on the screen. [1]
  • Activate Edge Slice Tool (C) [2] and add one edge in 30% of existing polygon.

Copy polygons of letter "r" to new position.

Create letter "s"
  • Active Pen Tool in basic tools palette.
  • Make sure that Make Quads option is turn on in Tool properties.
  • Place vertices like on the screen. (Start with 1, 2, 3, 4 Vertices)

Create letter "F".
  • Active Pen Tool in basic tools palette.
  • Make sure that Make Quads option is turn on in Tool properties.
  • Place vertices like on the screen. (Start with 1, 2, 3, 4 Vertices)

Straighten vertices relative position on X axis with Scale Tool (R) [1] and [2].

Straighten vertices relative position on X axis with Scale Tool (R) [1] and [2].

  • Active Pen Tool and draw geometry.
  • Make sure that you draw vertices in right order 1, 2, 3, 4.

  • Select opposite edges.
  • Activate Bridge Tool
  • Well done. You have created letter "F".

  • Select one edge like on the screen.
  • Activate Move Tool (w) and move it closer to the body of letter F. This will help to keep edges in place when letter will be in

  • Select edges like on the screen.
  • Activate Scale Tool (R).
  • Set Scale on X axis to: 0. [1] [2]

Well done! Your 2D letters should look like this. They are made of quads and they have great topology.

Now it is time to make letter true 3D object.
  • In Polygon Mode (3) press Shift-X to activate Extrude Tool.
  • Extrude polys for 2cm.
  • Press Space Bar to drop the tool.

  • Press Alt-Space Bar to bring floating modo modes palette.
  • Change Selection Mode to Rectangle [1].
  • Change Viewport to right to do that press 3 on keyboard.
  • Select front and back of the letters.

  • Press Alt-Space Bar to bring floating modo modes palette.
  • Change Selection Mode to Rectangle [1].
  • Change Viewport to right to do that press 3 on keyboard.
  • Select front and back of the letters.

  • Press (B) to activate Bevel Tool
  • Set Inset to 500 um (It will help keep edges in place in Subdivision mode.)

  • Press Shift-Up arrow to expand selection.
  • Then press ([) to invert selection.
  • Activate Slice Tool (Alt-C) and add 2 edges.
  • Make sure that Mode is set to Symmetry.

Now it is good time to test surface continuity.
  • Press (Tab) to go to Subdivision mode.
  • See how Modo is smoothing objects in very nice organic way.

To test surface potential distortions go to Viewport Menu > Reflection.

Press (Alt-Tab) to bring recent layouts menu Choose UV workspace.

Invert selected polygons by pressing ([).

  • Change selection mode Item Mode (5).
  • Go to List > UV Maps > Texture.
  • Right Click on it and from the menu choose Clear. You need to delete automatically created UV map.

  • Press (1) on keyboard to change View to Front.
  • Go to UV tools and activate: Project from View. [1]
  • Then click on the 3D Viewport that you wish to grab information from. See how Modo took polygons from 3D viewport and placed them in UV space [2].
  • Press Space Bar to drop the tool.

Now in UV space activate Move Tool (W) and move it to the -1.1 section of UV space.

Now you will prepare UVs for texture painting in Photoshop.
  • Right Click and drag over the geometry of letter "O" using Rectangle Selection Mode.
  • Then activate Fit UVs and make sure that Keep Proportion is active.
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and scale polygons to 95% on every axis.
  • With polygons of letter "O" selected press (H) to temporarily hide selection.

Do the same for letter "e".
  • Select first letter "e" and activate Fit UVs. [1]
  • Then select second letter "e" and activate Fit UVs. They have to overlay on each other and occupy the same UV space.

  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and scale them for 95% on every axis.
  • With polygons of letter "F" selected press (H) to temporarily hide selection.

Do the same for letter "F".
  • Select letter "F" and activate Fit UVs. [1]
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and scale them for 95% on every axis.
  • With polygons of letter "F" selected press (H) to temporarily hide selection.

Select first letter "r" and activate Fit UVs [1], than do the same for second letter "r". [2]

  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and scale them for 95% on every axis.
  • With polygons of letter "r" selected press (H) to temporarily hide selection.

  • Select first letter "a" and activate Fit UVs [1], than do the same for second letter "a". [2]
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and scale them for 95% on every axis.
  • With polygons of letter "a" selected press (H) to temporarily hide selection.

  • Select letter "n" and activate Fit UVs. [1]
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and scale them for 95% on every axis. [2]
  • With polygons of letter "n" selected press (H) to temporarily hide selection.

  • Select letter "s" and activate Fit UVs. [1]
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and scale them for 95% on every axis. [2]
  • With polygons of letter "s" selected press (H) to temporarily hide selection.

  • Select letter "h" and activate Fit UVs. [1]
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and scale them for 95% on every axis. [2]
  • With polygons of letter "h" selected press (H) to temporarily hide selection.

  • Select letter "g" and activate Fit UVs. [1]
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and scale them for 95% on every axis. [2]
  • With polygons of letter "g" selected press (H) to temporarily hide selection.

To speed up next part of creating UVs it is best to use mARCH KIT for modo. It has many very useful tools for creating Architectural Visualizations and other modeling tasks. My favorite tool from that set is mARCH: UV Peeler Plus. It automates process of proper scaling UV maps created with regular UV Peeler Tool. But you can do the same with regular modo tools, it just makes it quicker. For installation and usage instructions visit mARCH KIT site.
  • In mARCH Tools locate UV Peeler Plus. [1]
  • Press it and you will have floating palette.

Now you need to scale polygons in UV space this way that they relative size to each other will be the same as it is in 3D space.
  • Select one edge by double click. [1]
  • Press UV Peeler on mARCH palette. [2]
  • Click on the UV space to show polygons.

  • Select 2 edges on inner side of loop.
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and scale it up only on V axis in UV space. [1]

Now get proper scaling of created UV.
  • Once more select the same edge that was used as UV seam. [1]
  • Press Get PATH (-Auto-Peel). [2]
  • Now select edge that is perpendicular/circumference to first selected edge. [3]
  • Press Get CROSS-SECTION (-Auto-Peel) [4] Note that script created Scale U (%) Value.

  • Copy Scale U (%) Value in this case 607.3789. [1]
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and paste this value to Scale V field.
  • Press Enter to execute scaling. Now you have proper scaling of UV map.

  • Select created UV polygons.
  • Press H to hide them. This way you will avoid visual clutter in UV space.

  • Select one edge by double click.
  • Press UV Peeler on mARCH palette. You can activate UV peeler also from standard Modo UV tools. It is the same tool. [1]
  • Click on the UV space to show polygons.

  • Select 2 edges on inner side of loop.
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and scale it up only on V axis. in UV space. [1]

  • Once more select the same edge that was used as UV seam. [1]
  • Press Get PATH (-Auto-Peel). [2]
  • Now select edge that is perpendicular/circumference to first selected edge. [3]
  • Press Get CROSS-SECTION (-Auto-Peel) [4] Note that script created Scale U (%) Value.

  • Copy Scale U (%) Value in this case 1110.0937.
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and paste this value to Scale V field.
  • Press Enter to execute scaling.

  • Select created UV polygons.
  • Press H to hide them. This way you will avoid visual clutter in UV space.

Now it is time to get UVs for more complex letter "r".
  • Select one edge on bottom of letter "r" by double click.
  • Press UV Peeler on mARCH palette. You can activate UV peeler also from standard Modo UV tools. It is the same tool. [1]
  • Click on the UV space to show polygons.

  • Select 2 edges on inner side of loop.
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and scale it up only on V axis. in UV space. [1]

  • Once more select the same edge that was used as UV seam. [1]
  • Press Get PATH (-Auto-Peel). [2]
  • Now select edge that is perpendicular/circumference to first selected edge. [3]
  • Press Get CROSS-SECTION (-Auto-Peel) [4] Note that script created Scale U (%) Value.

  • Copy Scale U (%) Value in this case 775.4029 [1]
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and paste this value to Scale V field.
  • Press Enter to execute scaling.

  • Select created UV polygons.
  • Press H to hide them. This way you will avoid visual clutter in UV space.
  • Repeat all those steps for all letters.

With all letters properly UV'ed you need to refine small details to have best possible texture mapping.
  • Press (H) to unhide all polygons.
  • Change view to Right View.
  • With Rectangle Selection select all edges near the back of the letters. [1]
  • Then Activate Scale Tool (R) and zero out U scale. [2]

  • With Rectangle Selection select all edges near front of the letters. [1]
  • Then Activate Scale Tool (R) and zero out U scale. [2]

Well done! You have created great UV map for all letters! Press Tab to see letters in Subdivision mode.

  • In Bridge, locate orange leaf PNG that you created in the beginning of tutorial.
  • Grab file and Drag and Drop it onto 3D Front viewport of Modo. [1]
  • Press (N) to create new mesh. [2]
  • Change its name to: Leaf.

Now change properties of Backdrop item:
  • Set its Pixel Size to 650 um.
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and scale it to 13.5% on X and Y axis.

You will use pane tool again to draw leaf shape.
  • Activate Pen Tool.
  • Draw vertices in 1, 2, 3, 4 order. [1]
  • Add points until you will have nice strip of quads ready. [2]

  • Draw polygons to the base of leaf. [1]
  • Now press (Shift-V) to mirror this strip to the other side. [2]

  • Select edges that facing each other.
  • In Modo Tool look for: Duplicate > Bridge
  • Set its segments to: 2 and click on 3D Viewport.
  • Press Space Bar to drop the tool.

  • Select edges on opposite sides of leaf.
  • Go to Action Center > Local and Activate Scale Tool (R).
  • Change scale on Green Handle - Y axis to very low value: 10 - 5%.

  • Then press (Alt-S) to change to Selection Action Center.
  • Scale relative position of edges to 15% on X axis.

Create additional polygons to finish leaf.
  • In Vertex Mode (1) select vertices in 1, 2, 3 order.
  • Press (P) to create polygon.
  • Repeat this process for other side.
  • Select vertices in 4, 5, 6 order. [1]
  • Then activate Add Point Tool and draw one vertex on the 50% of edge length. [2]

  • Select both vertices and move them up with Move Tool (W).
  • Then in Vertex Tools activate Join Averaged command
  • .

With Rectangle Selection select extra polygons on the base of the leaf and delete them.

  • Activate Element Move Tool (T) and tweak vertex position to match Background image.
  • Your finished leaf should look like on the image below.

  • Double click on polygons to select all.
  • Press (M) to add Leaf Material tag to geometry. [1]
  • In Shader Tree go to Add Layer > Image Map > (use Clip Browser). [2]
  • Choose leaf png image. [3]

  • Select image in the Shader Tree to see it in UV Viewport. [1]
  • Now switch to UV layout (Alt-Tab). [2]

  • Now activate Project from View Tool. [1]
  • Click on the 3D viewport to execute command. [2]
  • See how Modo grabbed UVs from 3D object. [3]
  • Press Space Bar to drop the tool.

  • Go to Options Menu of UV viewport
  • Turn off Show Distortion. [1]
  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and scale down polygons to match bitmap.

Refine vertices placing on edge of leaf. They must overlap bitmap slightly. This will help stencil leaf later on.

Activate Move Tool (W) and move leaf over letter "O".

  • Select "Fresh Orange" mesh and go to Polygon Mode (3)
  • Now select polygons in the middle of "O" and Activate Scale Tool (R)
  • Scale them down a little.

  • In Item Mode (5) select "Leaf" mesh.
  • Then change to Center Mode (7).
  • Select Center and activate Move Tool (W).
  • Move center to the base of the leaf.

  • Move leaf to top of letter "O". [1]
  • In Item List press first column on the left side from "Leaf" mesh to change Origin Point to that mesh Origin Point for a little while. [2]
  • Activate Rotate Tool (R) and rotate leaf for 90°.

Create stern of the leaf.
  • Press (N) to create new Mesh.
  • Activate Cylinder Tool and draw it on the screen.

  • Scale down base of the stern with the Scale Tool. [1]
  • Select top polygon and activate Bevel Tool (B) and Extrude and Inset polygon the same time. [2]
  • Next select polygons on the circumference of stern and activate Loop Slice Tool (Alt-C). [3]

  • Press Tab to see stern in subdivision mode.
  • Press (M) to add Material Tag to polygons. Choose existing "Leaf" material.
  • Then switch to UV layout (Command/Ctrl-Tab). [2]
  • Move, Scale and Rotate UV patches as shown on the screen. [3]

  • Select top circle of the stern. [1]
  • Move, Scale and Rotate UV patch as shown on the screen. [2]

  • Refine stern shape to your needs.
  • Use Scale Tool (R) for this.

  • Scale top of the stern to make it more rounded. [1]
  • Select "Leaf" mesh item and in Edge Mode select edges on the circumference of leaf.
  • Move them down a little. [2]

  • In the Item List drag and put "Leaf" mesh inside "Stern" mesh. [1]
  • Then rotate it 90° [2]

  • Right click on "Leaf" mesh.
  • Choose Duplicate from the right click menu
  • Rotate this leaf in opposite direction.

Adjust leaf placing until you will be happy.

  • In Item Mode (5) choose Duplicate from the right click menu. [1]
  • Then move stern copy over the "e" letter. [2]

Adjust leaf placing until you will be happy.

  • In Item List press first column on the left side from "Leaf" mesh to change Origin Point to that mesh Origin Point for a little while. [1]
  • Then scale leaf in Polygon Mode.

In Polygon Mode (3) scale down stern. [1]

Delete one extra leaf, and move the only one little bit lower.

  • Select Leaf in Item List. [1]
  • In Polygon Mode (3) activate Bend Tool (Command/Ctrl-E)
  • Click on the screen in place that you want to start bending. [2]
  • Use yellow circle to bend leaf. [3]

Adjust placing of the leaf until you will be happy.

Use Bend Tool (Command/Ctrl-E) to shape leafs.

What is great about Modo is that you can change Bend Tool position while tool is live. This way you can change shape of the leaf.

Adjust shape of the upper leaf too. Play around with different Bend center positions.

Rotate and refine position of leafs of the letter "O".

Rotate also second upper leaf. Use Scale Tool (R) and make this leaf smaller.

Now the final placing of stern.
  • Select stern Mesh in item mode. [1]
  • Open Viewport Properties (K) and turn on Make Inactive Same as Active. [2]
  • Now you will see when stern will intersect with letter surface.
  • Move it slightly down. [3]

Now after all those efforts you can finish your letters.
  • In Item Mode (5) select "Fresh Orange" mesh.
  • From Right Click Menu choose Unmerge Mesh. This will split your one mesh to individual letters, and then you will be able to move and rotate them independently.

  • In Item Mode (5) Select letter "F".
  • Go to: Center to Bounding Box > Center [3]

Do that for all of the letters.

To add some live and funny feeling to orange text play around with Rotation of individual letters.
  • In Item Mode (5) select each letter and in its properties channel change values as you can see on the picture.
  • Remember to put stern mesh inside letter that is its base. This way stern will inherit rotation of the parent letter.

To truly match my artwork you must change image size to the same dimensions.
  • Go to Shader Tree and select Frame Size
  • Change values as shown on the screen.

  • Change Viewport view to Camera (.) on keyboard. [1]
  • Then select camera in item list. [2]
  • Change it Position and Rotation as shown on the screen grab

Now adjust rotation of the rest of letters.

  • Group meshes in one folder and call it " Fresh orange". [1]
  • Select few polygons on sides of letters.
  • Then press (L) to select loops.

Press (H) to hide this geometry. Your scene should look like this.

  • Select first letter. [1]
  • Make sure that you have UV map selected. [2]
  • Go to Selection > Add Selection Set. and add "h" selection set. [3]
  • Finally go to Texture > Export UVs to EPS.
  • Save this file as: h.EPS.

  • Select first letter. [1]
  • Make sure that you have UV map selected. [2]
  • Go to Selection > Add Selection Set. and add "s" selection set. [3]
  • Finally go to Texture > Export UVs to EPS.
  • Save this file as: s.EPS.

After export you should have something like me. One EPS file for each letter.

Now let's use Photoshop to create set of hires orange cut textures. Draw Path with Pen Tool (P) to cut out orange from Background.

  • Call this layer "orange".
  • Call work path "CP_orange"

  • Now with polygonal selection tool draw quick selections.
  • Press (J) to create new layer "peel_1"

Create few different orange peel parts.

Mask juicy parts.

Group (Command/Ctrl-G) all peel parts in to one folder and call it peel. Change this folder color to red.

Now with the Pen Tool (P) create slice of an orange.

After you finish Path "1" should look like this.

  • Duplicate "Orange" layer.
  • Select path with Path Selection Tool.
  • In Path Palette create selection from it.
  • Apply this selection as mask over new layer.

After cutting orange to smaller parts you should have something like me. Small parts of orange masked and grouped into one folder "orange cut". Save this files as base for texture creation.

  • In Bridge locate eps files exported from Modo.
  • Grab "O.eps" and Drag and Drop it onto Photoshop.
  • On Rasterize eps file choose image size as on picture.

  • Pres (J) few times to quickly duplicate Wireframe layer. [1]
  • Then grab all those layers and merge them into one. Use (Command/Ctrl-E) [2]
  • set its Opacity to: 50%. [3]
  • I this new document create BG layer.
  • Use Bucket Tool (B) to fill it with white color.

Drag and Drop 2 groups that you have created to the new document.

Fill BG layer with #ff9200 color.

Use Transform Tool to move and place orange cuts over UV template.

Drag pieces with Alt pressed to duplicate layers in needed.

Activate Brush Tool (B) and uncover mask to blend in pieces together.

  • Turn on Peel group.
  • Select fragments of the orange Albedo and place them in inner part of the orange. [1]
  • Use Warp Tool (Command/Ctrl-T) to shape it until will look natural.

  • Use all pieces to add variation to this albedo part. [1]
  • Move them and adjust position to match UV template. [2]
  • When you finish, merge this "Peel" group together (Command/Ctrl-E)

  • Go to Filter > Liquify.
  • With Smudge Tool gently move albedo to mimic real orange skin.

Fill gaps with Clone Stamp Tool (S).

  • Add layer mask to "peel" layer. [1]
  • Gently mask parts of the albedo to form natural "star like pattern." [2] and [3]

Just to have great professional looking texture, select orange cut group and mask parts that are inside.

  • Drag/copy BG layer above peel layer. [1]
  • Select "peel" layer and "orange cut group."
  • Press (J) to quickly duplicate them.
  • Merge them by pressing (Command/Ctrl-E). [2]

  • Go to Image > Adjustments > Black & White. [1]
  • Adjust color toning like on the screen. [2]

  • Fill BG copy with dark gray color: #3e3e3e. [1]
  • Grab both layers and group them in "SSS" folder. This stands for Sub Surface Scattering.

  • Duplicate "peel copy" layer and drag above all layers. [1]
  • Invert this layer by pressing (Command/Ctrl-I). [2]

  • Press (Command/Ctrl-A) to select all pixels on layer "peel copy 2".
  • Then press (Command/Ctrl-C) to copy them.
  • Add Brightness/Contrast layer
  • Add mask to that layer
  • Hold Alt and press on the layer mask icon to see contents of the mask.
  • Paste there copied pixels.
  • Hold Alt and press on the layer mask icon to leave layer mask. [1]
  • Set Contrast value to 70.
  • You can save image as O2.jpg

  • Select "peel copy 2" layer and clip it by the lower layer. [1]
  • Turn on "peel copy 2" and set it Blending Mode to Overlay for about 83%. [2]
  • You can save image as "O_SSS.jpg"

  • In Bridge locate eps files exported from Modo.
  • Grab "a.eps" and Drag and Drop it onto Photoshop.
  • On Rasterize eps file choose image size as on picture.

  • Pres (J) few times to quickly duplicate Wireframe layer. [1]
  • Then grab all those layers and merge them into one. Use (Command/Ctrl-E) [2]
  • Call it "UV"
  • Set its Opacity to 50%. [3]
  • In this new document create BG layer.
  • Use Bucket Tool (B) to fill it with orange #ff9200.

Drag and Drop the two groups that you have created to the new document.

Use Transform Tool to move and place orange cuts over UV template.

Activate Brush Tool (B) and uncover mask to blend in pieces together.

Use Warp Transform to adjust shape to UV template.

With Brush Tool uncover layer mask to blend part of the fruits.

With Clone Stamp Tool refine edges of albedo to match UV template.

Keep unmasking orange cuts until they merge into one organic surface.

In letter "O" I have showed you how to use Liquify filter, but you can be more efficient using Puppet Warp. One thing you need to remember, apply any layer mask before using Puppet Warp on any layer, because it will be applied with lowest, settings.
  • Select piece of orange layer.
  • Unmask with Brush Tool some parts of it. [1]
  • Press (Shift-Alt-Command/Ctrl-T) to activate Puppet Warp.
  • Place pins in desired places, and start moving them around to match shape of UV template. [2]

In order to hold texture in place Place pins in 1, 2, 3, 4 on one side of the patch.

Place pins 5, 6, 7 on the other side and start to move them.

When you finish moving pins, texture sits in place. Exactly where you want it.

  • Use all pieces of peel to add variation to this albedo part. [1]
  • Move them and adjust position to match UV template. [2]

  • You can dice peel parts to smaller pieces to fit to curvature little better.
  • When you finish, merge this "Peel" group together (Command/Ctrl-E)

Use Puppet Warp again to bend orange peel the way you need it.

Pay attention to placing of pins. This way bad distortion will be invisible.

When you finish, merge contents of "Peel" group together (Command/Ctrl-E)

  • Add layer mask to merged "peel_6" layer. [1]
  • Mask this albedo to give impression of real orange insides being held by this peel.

  • Drag or copy BG layer above peel layer. [1]
  • Select "peel" layer and "orange cut group."
  • Press (J) to quickly duplicate them.
  • Merge them by pressing (Command/Ctrl-E). [2]

  • Go to Image > Adjustments > Black & White. [1]
  • Adjust color toning like on the screen. [2]

  • Fill BG copy with dark gray color: #3e3e3e. [1]
  • Grab both layers and group them in "SSS" folder. This stands for Sub Surface Scattering.

  • Duplicate "peel copy" layer and drag above all layers. [1]
  • Invert this layer by pressing (Command/Ctrl-I). [2]

  • Press (Command/Ctrl-A) to select all pixels on layer "peel copy 2".
  • Then press (Command/Ctrl-C) to copy them.
  • Add Brightness/Contrast layer
  • Add mask to that layer
  • Hold Alt and press on the layer mask icon to see contents of the mask.
  • Paste there copied pixels.
  • Hold Alt and press on the layer mask icon to leave layer mask.
  • Set Contrast value to 70. [2]
  • You can save file as "a.jpg "

  • Select "layer 1" layer and clip it by the lower layer. [1]
  • Turn on "peel copy 2" and set it Blending Mode to Overlay for about 83%. [2]
  • You can save file as "a_SSS.jpg "

This is our texture for "S".

This is our texture for "r".

This is our texture for "h".

This is our texture for "g".

This is our texture for "F".

This is our texture for "e"

Open orange picture from tutorial files.

Draw square selection on the middle of the fruit. Copy information clipboard.

Create new document.

Go to Filter > Distort > Pinch. [1] Then set it Amount as on the screen. [2]

Change image size to 1000x1000 px.

Go to Filter > Other > Offset and set its values like on the screen.

Now it is time to eliminate seams from texture.
  • Activate Clone Stamp Tool (S).
  • Start cloning texture from [1] to [2].

Keep Cloning until you won't be able to see seams.

You can use patch tool to introduce more realism to your orange peel texture.
  • Press (J) to activate Patch Tool
  • Draw selections over areas where you have uneven pattern [1] and drag over areas with most evenly spaced dots. [2]
  • Repeat patching until you are happy with results and texture seams are invisible.
  • Then you can save it as "orange peel.jpg"

Now you will create a bump map from the color map.
  • Press (J) to create another layer.
  • Call it Bump
  • Go to Image > Adjustments > Black & White. [1]
  • Set its setting like on screen grab. [2]
  • Save this Bump map as "orange peel bump.jpg"

Your two ready maps should look like this.

In Modo content folder, you will find many useful resources. Among them is a special object that will let you render shadows on transparent backgrounds. This great feature helps to blend rendered images into photographs, or just change background in post processing in Photoshop.
  • In Modo, press F6 to bring Presets palette.
  • Go to Luxology > Assets > Meshes > Basic and locate ShadowCatcher mesh.
  • Right click on it and choose Load. [1]
  • New mesh was loaded into the Item list. [2]

For now this ShadowCatcher hides part of the characters. let's fix it.
  • Change selection mode to Item Mode. [1]
  • In the Item List select ShadowCatcher mesh. [2]
  • Activate Move Tool (W) and move it down. [3]

As you can see now all letters are visible, and shadow is casting on ShadowCatcher.

Change scene setting to get final render quality.
  • Select Render item. [1]
  • In its properties change Anti-aliasing to 16 Samples/Pixel.
  • As Antialiasing Filter choose Mitchell-Netravali.
  • Make sure that all settings are the same as below.

Good scenes require good lightning.
  • In Preset Browser go to Luxology > Assets > Environments > Studio. [1]
  • Choose "Soft Tent 01" and right click on it and choose Load [2].
  • Select Environment item in the Shader Tree and change its name to "Env_Light"[3]

  • In Shader Tree go to Add layer > Processing > Constant.
  • In its properties change it Blend Mode to Multiply 70%.
  • Change it color to worm orange. This way ambient light around letters will be slightly orange.

Set up environments for post production in Photoshop.
  • Change Env_light Intensity to 2.0 w/srm2 and turn off Visible to Camera. [1]
  • Duplicate Env_light item and change its name to: Env_Cam.
  • Delete bitmap and Constant layer inside it. Set its Intensity to 1.0 w/srm2
  • Turn off Everything except Visible to Camera. [2]
  • Select Environment material and set its color to constant light orange.

Now light the scene! Select directional light [1] and set its position to shown on the screen. Type the same values in it Properties.

  • In Item List go to Add Item > Lights > Area Lights. [1]
  • Set all its Properties as shown on the screen.

  • Select Base Material in Shader Tree. [1]
  • Set its Diffuse Amount to: 40%.

  • In Item list create new mesh [1] and call it water. [2]
  • Activate Cube Tool and draw small box for about 1mm on every axis. [3]
  • Press Space Bar to drop the tool.

  • Press Tab to create sphere.
  • In Polygon Mode (3) move sphere up

  • In Vertex Mode select vertices on the bottom of sphere. (1)
  • Activate Move Tool (W) and move them up. [2]

  • Activate Scale Tool (R) and lover scale on Y axis. [1]
  • Then move vertices slightly up. [2]

  • In Polygon Mode (3) move all polygons down like on the screen. Bottom of the drop must touch origin.
  • Press M to add Water Material

  • Change selection mode to Item Mode (5)
  • Go to Edit > Center to Bounding Box > Bottom. This way you control point at witch geometry will be placed over the letter surface.

  • In item mode select all letters except sterns and leafs. [1]
  • Press M to add orange peel group
  • Change it color to orange like on the screen. [2]
  • Select Material inside this group and set its parameters as shown on the screen. [3]

  • In Shader Tree go to Add Layer > Special > Surface Generator [2].
  • Call it Surf 2. Leave its default settings for now.

Now you will create material for the cut part of fruit text.
  • Select few polygons on sides of each letter. [1]
  • Press L to select loop of polygons. [2]
  • Press (Shift-Up Arrow) to grow selection. [3]

  • Press [ to invert selection. [1]
  • Press (M) to add orange_cut material. [2]
  • Change its color to more yellow.

  • Open orange_cut group. [1]
  • In Shader Tree go to Add Layer > Special > Surface Generator [2].
  • Leave its default settings for now.

In previous steps you have created Surface Generators. They are special materials which generate points scattered over the surface. You will use those points propagate drops of water over the surface of letters.
  • Select Surface Generator of orange_cut material group.
  • Set its paramieters to the one shown on the screen. [1]
  • In item list go to Add item > Particles > Replicator.
  • Select this Replicator and set its parameters to shown on th screen. [2]
  • Be sure to select water mesh as Prototype and Surface Generator as Point Source.

  • Open orange_peel material group and select Surf_2 Surface Generator. [1]
  • Set its parameters to shown on the screen. [1]
  • In item list go to Add item > Particles > Replicator.
  • Select this Replicator and set its parameters to shown on th screen. [2]
  • Be sure to select water mesh as Prototype and Surf_2 as Point Source.

Modo can create item masks for you to use as layer masks in compositing stage in Photoshop. To do that you need to create Selection Sets. Do the following:
  • Select water mesh in item list. [1]
  • Then select all its polygons [2]
  • Then go to Select > Assign Selection Set. [3]
  • Name this selection set: water.

  • in Item list select all meshes of letters including sterns and leafs. [1]
  • Then select all polygons.
  • Then go to Select > Assign Selection Set. [2]
  • Name this selection set: TXT.

  • In the shader tree go to Add layer > Group.
  • Set this group properties as shown on image [1]
  • Then go to Add layer > Special > Render Output and call it A:water.
  • Right click in it effect and change to Alpha.
  • In the shader tree go to Add layer > Group.
  • Set this group properties as shown on image [2]
  • Then go to Add layer > Special > Render Output and call it A:letters.
  • Right click in it effect and change to Alpha.

You can check your outputs in preview. Just select them from drop down menu of preview window.
  • Set it to A: water - to see mask created only for droplets.
  • Set it to A: TXT - to see mask created only for droplets.

  • Then go to Add layer > Special > Render Output and create new one.
  • Right click in it effect and change to Ambient Occlusion
  • Set it properties as shown on the screen.

Now refine material properties.
  • Select Water material and change its name to Water_BRDF
  • Change it Material Ref [1] and Material Trans [2] as shown on the screen grabs.

  • In shader Tree go to Ad Layer > Processing > Gradient
  • Set its Effect to Transparent Color. [1]
  • In Gradient Editor add two color keys white on 0% and light blue on 100%.

  • In shader Tree go to Ad Layer > Processing > Gradient
  • Set its Effect to Reflection Amount. [1]
  • In Gradient Editor add two key values: At 0 - 20%, and at 100 - 35%

Finally add custom shader to water material.
  • Go to Add layer > Special > Shader. [1]
  • Change its Shading rate to: 0.25 pix
  • Turn off Cast Shadows option.
  • Grab water group and drag it above Base Shader.

Create custom shader to control shading of the letters.
  • Select orange_cut and orange_peel groups and press (Command/Ctrl-G) to create new group.
  • Call it Orange and drag it above Base Shader [1]
  • Go to Add layer > Special > Shader.
  • Change its Shading rate to: 0.25 pix [2]

Now refine orange materials. Select Orange_skin_BRDF and change all its parameters Material Ref [1] and Material Trans [2] as shown on the screen.

To show textures on each letter you will use Selection Sets that you have created earlier.
  • With Orange_skin_BRDF selected go to Add Layer > Group
  • In its properties set Polygon Tag Type to Selection Set. [1]
  • Choose "a" Polygon Tag. [2]
  • Then in Bridge grab a.jpg and a_SSS.jpg and DragandDrop into "a" group
  • Select a_SSS.jpg and set its effect to Subsurface Amount [3]
  • Select a.jpg and make sure that its effect is set to Diffuse Color [4]
  • Go to Add Layer > Special > Render Output and add a:a output.
  • Set its Effect to Alpha.
  • Repeat all those steps for all visible letters.

  • Select Orange BRDF material.
  • Make sure that you have all parameters set as shown on th screen. [1]
  • Leave Material Trans tab with default settings.

  • In Bridge grab "orange peel.jpg" and orange "peel bump.jpg"
  • DragandDrop them above Orange BRDF. Set those map properties as shown on the screen. [1] and [2]

Add extra color to texture
  • Go to Add layer > processing > Gradient.
  • Make sure that its properties are set to the same as shown on the screen. [1]
  • In Gradient Editor add 2 color keys. Fist white and second orange: #ff6506.

Now break surface of orange peel.
  • Go to Add layer > Textures > Noise
  • Change its name to: Noise_S
  • Set its properties as shown on the screen [1] and [2]

  • Duplicate Noise layer and change its name to: Noise_M.
  • Change its parameters to shown on the screen [1] and [2].

  • Go to Add layer > processing > Gradient.
  • Make sure that its properties are set to the same as shown on the screen. This should be Reflection Amount. [1]
  • In Gradient Editor add 2 value keys. Fist 2% [2] and second 32% [3]

Now it is time to finalize leaf texture. Select Leaf_BRDF and set its parameters to shown on the screen. [1] and [2]

  • Select leaf image [1] and create 2 instances from it. Choose option from right click menu
  • Then change one bitmap Effect to Bump. [2]
  • Change second instance Effect to Dissolve. [3]

  • Press F9 to render image.
  • After rendering save it as Layered PSD file. Don't use jpg format, you will loose a lot of quality!

Now render only shadow of your letters.
  • In Shader Tree go to Orange group and select 0.25 Shader.
  • Turn off Visible to camera. [1] See how letters just vanish!
  • Then go to Env_tlo and duplicate Environment material.
  • Set its color to pure white.

  • Press F9 to render image.
  • After rendering save it as Layered PSD file.

  • Open first layered image. [1]
  • In Bridge grab second render, the one with shadow only.
  • Drag and Drop it into psd file as one of the layers. [2]

Reorder layers to speed up work.
  • Create group (Command/Ctrl-G) called Base from all layers.
  • Select "Shadow only" layer and duplicate it.
  • Create group BG at the bottom of layer stack and put there Shadow only copy [2]
  • Select "Final Color Output" layer and move its copy to the top of layer stack. [3]

Now create Alpha channels from rendered selections sets.
  • Locate layer "A: letters" Press (Command/Ctrl-A) to select all pixels. Copy them.
  • In Channels palette create new channel and paste there pixels.

  • Change its name to "TXT"
  • With magic wand select black background and than press (Command/Ctrl-Shift-I) to invert selection.
  • Pres B to activate Brush and paint with white color all little black spots.
  • Now you have clear text alpha channel.

  • Create section from this channel, hold down Alt and press on channel icon. [1]
  • Mask "Final Color Output copy" layer. [2]
  • Create new layer in BG folder, and fill it with light orange color. [3]
  • Select "shadow only copy" and set its blending mode to Multiply

  • With "Shadow only copy" selected press (Alt-Shift-Command/Ctrl-B) to convert this layer to Black and White. [1]
  • Create Gradient map layer and clip it onto Shadow only copy. [2]
  • Make gradient from brown to white. [3]

  • Add gradient ramp layer over lowest layer. (G) [1]
  • Set it to Multiply and set its Opacity to 35%. [2]

  • Bring to front "Ambient Occlusion Output copy" and change it to Smart object. [1]
  • Double click on it and inside smart object add Gradient Ramp to remap colors to worm orange. [2]
  • Save and close smart object.

Now you will have nice soft shadows over the drops of water.
  • Set this layer to multiply and clip it onto "Final Color Output".
  • Duplicate this smart object 2 times.

Select "Final Color Output" and with the Clone Stamp (C) retouch any imperfections from render.

In BG group create white circle (U) and create smart object from it. Adjust its size like on the screen grabs.

  • Go to filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.
  • Play around with Blur settings until you find right one. [1]
  • Change blending mode to Soft Light 16%

  • Duplicate Ellipse and change its Opacity to 66%. [2]
  • Select top layers and create group called "final"

  • Create additional Alpha channels from rendered masks.
  • Select a:r Layer and press (Command/Ctrl-A) to select all pixels
  • Copy them than create new alpha channel and paste. [1]
  • Change its name to R.
  • Do the same for the letter h. [2]

  • Add levels layer on top of all layers to correct color [1].
  • Create selection from channel h [2]

Add Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to correct color of letter h.

Create selection from channel R [1] and add Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to correct color [2].

Duplicate Hue/Saturation adjustment layer over the r letters and mask unwanted part with brush.

Make selection from R alpha channel [1] and add Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer to balance letters "r" [2].

  • For the final effect duplicate "Final Color Output" and mask it with drops alpha channel [1]
  • Move this layer up in layer stack [2]

As before create alpha channel for letter "n" and make a selection.

Adjust hue/saturation of letter n.

That is it! Your fruit textured text effect is now complete. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and can use the techniques that you learned to create some amazing 3D effects of your own.
